Over the last year, our #MyPub campaign has been successful in connecting many of your pubs with your local MPs to share the powerful impact your businesses have at the heart of your community, share the challenging trading realities for your pubs and gain their backing for the support needed to safeguard your futures.  Thank you to many of you for your support since the launch of the campaign last summer.

Through your work, an extension to the 75% business rates relief was secured for England until the end of March 2025, with pubs being singled out yet again for their role in their communities. This was a targeted ask of Government to gain early confirmation of essential ongoing support and was achieved in full for many of your pubs. We are disappointed that the devolved nations have not chosen to apply the relief and will continue to call for support for Scotland and Wales.

Following the election of the new Government on 4th July 2024, we will continue to seek a long term reduction in the unfair levels of taxation that your pubs are subject to. Your key priorities for Government support are: 

 - A continuation of the business rate relief of 75% that is currently due to end in April 2025 (and equal levels of relief for the devolved nations)

 - Full business rate reform, rebalancing this unfair taxation on your bricks and mortar businesses.

 - A reduction in VAT, specifically for hospitality, which will support the ongoing viability of many pubs, prevent unnecessary business failure, encourage further investment in pub teams & businesses and provide an engine of growth within the wider economy.

We are constantly engaging with MPs, Ministers and officials in Government, sharing the challenges you are facing, details from our recent surveys and feedback from across our membership, but nothing delivers that message more powerfully than hearing it directly from you as a business in their constituency.

We are calling on all pubs to write to their MPs, asking for their backing to support the 3 key asks above. We have provided template letters for you to send to your MP to urgently ask for their support on this. You can find templates for England, Wales and Scotland below. 

We have also created some social media assets to help you share this message with your local MP's, ensuring they understand why we are asking them to fight for your vital and viable pubs and the support that they will need to survive - please also encourage your teams, customers, friends and families to share why they love #MyPub and why it deserves urgent support.

Please feel free to add or use your own words across all social media platforms, but please remember to include the hashtag #MyPub and tag the BII via the handles below in all posts so we can re-share them.

Twitter - @BIIandBIIAB
Facebook - @BIIandBIIAB
Instagram - @BritishInstituteofInnkeeping
LinkedIn - British Institute of Innkeeping


Write to your MP

To contact your MP follow the 3 simple steps below:

1) Download the letter template via the box below - this is a word document that you can copy and paste into your message to your MP (the template may appear in your download bar at the bottom of your screen)
2) Find your local MP - click the link in the blue box below, this will load a webpage where you can type in your postcode to find your local MP. Selecting their name will load a form for you to paste your letter into
3) Paste the letter template into the body, personalising your message if you wish, then fill out your contact information and hit preview and send

Get your MP involved on social media

1Find your local MP's social media account on whatever platform is your preference and follow them/like their account. Most MPs have an account on X (Twitter) but some will have accounts on Facebook and other platforms.

2If you would like, you can also use one of our digital assets in your posts - simply choose the image from the bottom of this webpage that you would like to use. This will load in another webpage and you can save this to your downloads

 3) When sending them a message, or tagging them in a post, please make sure you include the hashtag #MyPub and tag us as well. For Facebook and X we are @BIIandBIIAB, and on Instagram we are @Britishinstituteofinnkeeping.

Download Assets

We have made some assets for you to share on social media to help get our message across. To download, click on the image, or right click and select save image. These assets can be used across all social platforms and make sure to use #MyPub when posting.