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Official Launch of Hospitality & Universities United

Hospitality & Universities United (HUU) is the brand-new collaboration between universities and hospitality employers across the UK with a dedicated platform to educate and connect students with hospitality businesses, as they start their career in hospitality.

Created by Dawn Lawrence, Founder of Hospitality Jobs UK and Lisa Wyld, Head of Missenden Abbey International Hotel and Hospitality School, HUU is there to support and outline the latest placement, graduate and part-time opportunities alongside education on career pathways, information on the multiple sectors available within hospitality and recommendations on how to prepare for their first job. 

From an employer’s perspective, HUU will be the foundation for engaging with students throughout the year through a multitude of events, masterclasses, newsletters and free placement and graduate advertising. For businesses that want to create graduate or placement roles, HUU will provide the knowledge and toolkit to do this from those that already have successful programmes in place, plus additional information for employers on the latest immigration regulations on how to employ students from abroad.              

Dawn Lawrence, Founder of HJUK said, “Currently only 27% of students studying a hospitality focussed degree progress to working in hospitality. This has to change! Students are the future workforce for the hospitality industry and HUU has created a platform for employers to easily create and share job opportunities with students, allowing students to gain great hands on experience and build long term relationships with future employers whilst at the same time letting them understand the breadth of opportunities available.”

Lisa Wyld, Head of Missenden Abbey International Hotel and Hospitality School said, “Having one platform that showcases every opportunity available is key to inspiring more students to choose hospitality as a future career possibility. The more businesses that can create placement and graduate programmes, the more likely they will be to stay in our industry. In universities we have the future leaders of the world of hospitality. ”          

Jill Meyerhoff, Head of Recruitment & Immigration at Hall & Woodhouse and HUU Super Ambassador said, “We at Hall & Woodhouse are delighted to be supporting the HUU initiative to bring graduates and employers from across the UK together. Dawn, Lisa and the team behind HUU are true champions of the Hospitality industry in all its forms”

If you would like to find out more about how you can support Hospitality & Universities United visit or contact Dawn Lawrence at [email protected] 

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