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Here you can find licensed trade news and updates, the weekly e-newsletter INNfocus, past editions of the BII News (our quarterly magazine), and hear all about our latest industry campaigns.

The BII are Proud to Support Stamp Out Spiking

For over 20 years Stamp Out Spiking has been committed to changing the law, raising awareness, educating and doing everything in its power to eradicate spiking. After many years of campaigning, spiking is to become a specific criminal offence under the new Labour Government.
Stamp Out Spiking is the country's leading charity that has lobbied for this new law. Our engaging and educational spiking awareness training and resources provides our delegates everything they need to feel confident that they have safeguarded their organisation, their customers and their employees.


Whilst we have made outstanding progress, Stamp Out Spiking still has work to do, and we need support from the hospitality industry such as BII members to continue our vital work. As a registered charity focussing on the prevention of a specific crime, we do not attract any statutory funding. We rely on a donations and membership fees from proactive organisations to generate income and be able to deliver our charitable activities and support victims.
Our vision for the future involves continuing to support victims of spiking, and spreading our message further and training more people, bar staff, festival workers, street pastors, parents, tax drivers and teachers.


“Stamp Out Spiking is the voice of many, who are still coming to terms with what has happened to them. The team’s dedication and commitment to making our world a safer place and seeking support from law enforcement sends a message that silence is not the answer.”

There are a number of ways for you to show your support for Stamp Out Spiking:
  • Become a member for £99 + VAT 
By becoming a member of Stamp Out Spiking, you will receive a valuable membership bundle of spiking awareness resources and you are also supporting all our Stamp Out Spiking’s beneficiaries. These are victims, the public and small organisations who provide front line services for spiking victims, such as the Street Pastors and victim support services. You will be automatically subscribed to our Quarterly Newsletter, receive exclusive training discounts, and we’d love to share your support for Stamp Out Spiking on our website and social channels.
  • Sign your Staff up for training courses
Spiking can happen to anyone, anywhere and at any time. Our spiking awareness courses are built upon learned knowledge gained from thousands of victim disclosures and upon the experiences and feedback from night-time economy workers. Our training provides trainees with confidence to safeguard themselves and others from becoming a victim, spot the signs and symptoms of spiking, and know what to do if they, or another victim has been spiked.  We are being approached by a number of companies looking for certified training to make sure their workforce is "spiking aware". We can support you to get ahead of the curve and benefit from our best-in-class spiking awareness training.
  • Make a Donation
A donation will ensure that we can continue to provide our accredited training courses, employ much needed paid staff to administer our growing charity, and support victims of spiking. As a registered charity, all donations are eligible for corporation tax relief and Gift Aid.


A new survey reveals how almost every hospitality business has seen steep increases in wages and food costs.

Year-on-year, 95% of hospitality businesses have experienced increased wage costs. It’s a similar story for food (89%), insurance (84%) and energy (57%) costs. That’s according to findings of a new survey by the British Beer and Pub Association, British Institute of Innkeeping, Hospitality Ulster and UKHospitality.

As new inflation figures reveal today, inflation in hospitality remains notably higher than the headline rate would suggest.

Hospitality businesses are overwhelmingly in favour of reforming business rates, a government manifesto commitment, to help reduce costs, which must be a priority at the Budget, with 80% of respondents clear it would have a positive impact on their business. 

In addition to business rates reform, businesses said both a VAT reduction for hospitality (85%) and a reduction in alcohol duty (34%) would be an important measure to allow their business to grow. 

In a joint statement, the trade bodies said: “It’s crystal clear that there is an overwhelming desire from the hospitality sector that the Government rapidly delivers on its manifesto commitment to replace business rates and reduce the burden on high street businesses, as well as continue current support.

“Hospitality continues to remain an outlier sector, with costs continuing to rise sharply compared to the rest of the economy. 

“With cost increases affecting almost every venue, this vital sector is being prevented from investing in businesses and communities, which would boost economic growth and new jobs. Instead, they’re having to use dwindling cash reserves just to pay the bills.

“The clock is ticking, with a cliff-edge looming on April 1 when relief ends and rates are set to increase again. Inaction would see bills spiral yet further, putting venues under increased threat of closure. 

“Alongside our members, we hope to see clear and decisive action toward delivering on the Government’s manifesto commitment from the Chancellor at the Budget in October.”

New data suggests increase in EFL games on TV next season will lead to fans watching even more football in pubs

New Sky Business data shows that 73% of fans agree that the increased number of EFL games on television from next season will give them more reasons to visit pubs 
This comes on the back of Sky’s announcement of the launch of Sky Sports+, which will allow venues to show over 1,000 EFL games a season
With a connected Sky Q box, venues will be able to enjoy four times more matches from the EFL with every team featured over 20 times a season

Sky Business have released new data which shows that 73% of fans say that the increased number of EFL games on television from next season will give them more reasons to visit pubs. The research also found that over 8 in 10 fans viewers say that they are interested in the EFL, showing that it has widespread appeal among sports fans. 

Launching this August, Sky Sports+ will be transformational in the amount of choice venues will have access to via live streams and a dedicated new channel. With more coverage than ever before from the EFL, both tennis Tours and men’s Super League, venues with a connected Sky Q box will be able to stream over 50% more live sport this year.
Sky Sports+ comes at the start of a new long-term and landmark partnership with the EFL, with over 1,000 EFL games a season featuring every team more than 20 times and every Championship club on at least 24 occasions. The scale of Sky Sports+ will be evident from the opening weekend of the 2024/25 season, which began last Friday 9th August, with every game from the Championship, League One and League Two streamed live – a first in broadcasting history. 
Sky Sports+ will make it easier for venues to browse, discover and show the sport that matters most to their customers. Venues with a connected Sky Q box will have the ability to choose up to 100 live events via concurrent streams, giving more opportunity to drive footfall, spend and dwell time than ever before. And the new dedicated Sky Sports+ TV channel will showcase a selection of the best live sport. 
In addition to this enhanced EFL offering, as part of Sky’s new four-year deal with the Premier League, its exclusively live coverage will increase by 70% with up to 100 more matches each season, from 2025/26. Over 80% of live broadcast Premier League matches will be on Sky Sports, and customers can expect at least four live games every week. 

James Tweddle, Director of Hospitality at Sky Business said: 
“Sky is the undisputed home for sport fans in the UK and we’re excited to bring pubs even more of the sports their customers love this season. 
“The launch of Sky Sports+ is fantastic news for our hospitality customers. Venues with a connected Sky Q box will have more flexibility to choose which match they show, meaning they can select the games that matter most to their customers. 
“With all 72 teams from across the EFL shown at least 20 times throughout the season - plus every game from the entirety of the Carabao Cup and EFL Trophy – venues can now offer a more localised, personalised sports viewing experience to help boost trade throughout the week.” 

The full Sky Sports package includes an unrivalled line-up of sport and record audiences tuned in during 2023. Football fans can watch more coverage of domestic leagues with Sky Sports than any other broadcaster, including Premier League, EFL, SPFL, and WSL. Through long-term deals, sport fans can continue to enjoy award-winning coverage of Formula 1 and England domestic cricket. 2024 has also seen the return of tennis and a ground-breaking Super League deal where every match will be covered live. This, on top every golf Major, NFL, netball, darts, boxing, summer rugby union internationals, means that Sky Sports has something for every sports fan.

Final VOA letters arriving this month

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) is writing to pubs in England and Wales to request information about their rent and trade. 

The information you provide will be used to calculate the future rateable value of your property. Rateable values are used by councils to calculate business rates bills and decide if you are eligible for business rates reliefs. 

This is part of a process called a ‘revaluation’, where the rateable values of all business properties are updated to reflect changes in the property market. The next revaluation will come into effect on 1 April 2026. Your business rates bill may change from this date if the rateable value of your property changes.

Rateable values are based on the rent a property could have been let for on a certain date set in law. For this revaluation, that date is 1 April 2024.

For some types of property including pubs, the VOA can’t assess the value of the property from the rent alone. This is because a rental contract might include additional agreements, such as living accommodation for the tenant. The VOA therefore asks for trade information and analyses your income and expenditure to see what a reasonable rent might be. 

Requests for information were sent to a sample of pubs between January and August 2024. The letters were addressed to the ‘owner or occupier’, not a named individual.

It is important that you provide this information to ensure the business rates you pay are accurate and you receive any reliefs you are entitled to. You can complete the hard copy form they sent you by post or
complete it online. 

Your property will be given a rateable value even if you don’t provide the information. The VOA will estimate your rent and level of trade and use these estimates to calculate your valuation. 

You only need to share your details if the VOA has asked you to. If you receive a letter and do not send the information within 56 days, you may have to pay a penalty.

For more information about why the VOA is requesting your pub’s trade information and what it is used for, go to the VOA's website.   

Our expert Helpline providers, Harris Lamb can assist with any questions you have about the process, how the VOA calculate your rateable value and more. You can view their website here. 

BII reacts to the King's Speech

The BII has welcomed the new Government’s focus on economic growth in the King’s Speech today. Pubs play a key role in high streets, towns and cities across the UK, and can quickly unlock growth through local employment, with the right support and investment.

Our pubs already provide essential employment opportunities for all, with skilled jobs and career pathways for everyone, no matter their background or level of academic achievement. With so many people starting their working lives in our pubs, they are key to social mobility, and our sector is committed to the critical importance of professional development, helping to accelerate people from entry level to entrepreneur, running complex and successful businesses.

The introduction of the Skills England Bill and specifically the reform of the Apprenticeship Levy, allowing more flexibility for allocation of training resources for our sector could be key to unlocking opportunities for all. Any reform that allows our pub employers to access short, skilled based courses to support their teams’ development will also enable gains in productivity across the board.

The BII also welcomes the Government’s intention to “seek a new partnership with both business and working people”. Our members, as small business owners are already battling incredibly tough trading challenges, as well as a huge rise in minimum wage rates over the last few years. Further burdens through additional costs and changes to employment conditions in their businesses could mean they are forced to reduce staffing levels and therefore limit growth potential.

Steve Alton, BII CEO commented:

“The new Government’s intentions to remove red tape and bureaucracy from our planning system, as well as reform the Apprenticeship Levy to allow for a more flexible approach to development in our teams, are hugely welcome steps.

“Our sector has always been a place for entrepreneurs and people who make a difference to their communities and teams every day, so to enable further professional development and removing barriers to business growth will help us do even more.

“Our members already recognise the importance of fair wages, but we must impress on Government the need for support and investment in their small, essential businesses at the heart of communities to be able to afford this.

“With no mention of the extension of the Business Rates relief due to end in March 2025, they now need an assurance that this will be continued until a full reform of the outdated system has been actioned. We also need an overall rebalancing of the unfair taxation of our bricks and mortar businesses, to allow them to invest in and grow. 

“We look forward to working closely with the Government, taking the challenges and voices of our members directly to those in power, helping to create an environment where our pubs and their teams can thrive in the heart of their communities.”

BII Responds to the General Election Results

Following yesterday’s general election, the BII is looking forward to working with the newly elected Labour government, particularly around their pledges for growth, safer communities and opportunities for all.


With new Ministers and MPs now in place, the BII will continue to take the voices of its members, mainly operating independent pub businesses across the UK, to those at the heart of Government.


Whilst inflation has come down in recent months, the impact of long term, embedded high costs in energy, food and drink, and staffing has been huge for pubs, especially with pandemic specific debt still hampering their ability to invest in their businesses to drive further growth. With National Living Wage inflation in particular, having a large ripple effect on roles across their businesses, they need investment and support from Government to help them weather the impact of these short-term issues.


Steve Alton, BII CEO commented:
“We are now looking forward to working with the new Government, to gain the vital investment that our members need to unlock their full potential. Our pubs are unique in their contribution, bringing huge economic impact, accessible, skilled jobs in every local community across the UK, and provide vital social value.


“Our sector has long been specifically referenced by all parties as a key part of our social fabric, as well as our economy. Our new Government must recognise the hugely unfair tax burden that our sector, and particularly the small, independent businesses have shouldered for decades. Our priority will be centred around working with Ministers, MPs and officials to reduce excessive taxation, provide immediate certainty of a continuation of the current business rates relief due to end in March 2025, as well as a full reform of this outdated and unfair rates system. 


“With 2 in 3 independent pubs either making a loss or breaking even, the need for investment is clear. If pubs are unable to thrive, we stand to lose so much more than small businesses in their communities.
We lose assets of immeasurable social value, connecting and caring for local people, reducing loneliness, raising millions for charity and so much more.


“The key to unlocking growth in every area of the UK, is investment in small businesses, towns and high streets, and at the heart of all of those lies the pub. Our pubs provide skilled jobs, careers and entrepreneurial opportunities for everyone, connecting people and communities in highly regulated, safe spaces, all whilst delivering significant tax revenue into the Treasury.


“Our members need certainty on the future for their pubs, livelihoods and teams, through a fairer approach to the tax they pay as bricks and mortar businesses, providing an experience that cannot be replicated online. 


“We will continue to encourage our members to share their challenges with their local MPs, showing them not only the support that is needed for them as small businesses at the heart of their communities, but also the essential and unique part they play in local economies, employment, supply chains and tax revenue into the Treasury.


“Our #MyPub campaign has helped members to engage with their local representatives, and with a large number of new MPs now in place, this is the perfect time to redouble our collective efforts in inviting them to see first-hand the huge positive impact pubs have in every village, high street, town and city across the UK.”


BII #MyPub Campaign

Award-winning Craft Beer Brand makes pioneering move to introduce in-pub Mental Health First Aid Qualification.

People’s Captain are developing an industry-first Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) qualification specifically for the challenges and needs of publicans and their teams in conjunction with MHFA England.

And as the craft beer brand continues to implement change and make a difference across this space, they have teamed up with their strategic partners Punch Pubs & Co to help devise the in-pub qualification alongside Publicans and Management Partners (MPs) who will be helping to pioneer the programme.

Through the social power of craft beer, award-winning brand People’s Captain has been helping to bring people across towns, cities and rural areas together to talk about the importance of mental health and well-being for numerous years.

Its founder and former rugby union professional, Greg Bateman, is a huge advocate for mental health and well-being, which through his own personal experiences is what led to the creation of the unique craft beer brand with a difference.

As one of Punch’s key strategic partners, People’s Captain perfectly complements the company’s ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategy (Punch Promise).

Punch is committed to Doing Well, By Doing Good – improving lives and communities with pubs at their heart, and their partnership with People’s Captain does just that; combining the power of great tasting beer and the local pub to bring people together.

Speaking on behalf of their partnership, Greg said: “Some of our most meaningful conversations happen over a pint, and with Punch’s commitment to ensure pubs remain at the very heart of the community, our joint values perfectly align with the impact that People’s Captain is making.

“More than that, the vision is that the amazing people behind bars around the country can be frontline support for the villages, towns and cities they serve, but we need to give them the skills to look after themselves and their teams in the first instance.

“This has been a project in the making for some-time and it speaks volumes of Punch’s commitment to help us develop this qualification for the industry, by being a pioneer in this space. They are showing their commitment to looking after their people but just as, if not more importantly, current data is showing there’s over a 4x return on investment in health and wellbeing, so they really are Doing Well, By Doing Good.”

The partnership between People’s Captain and Punch has been instrumental in helping to promote the pub company’s physical and mental health initiatives, and huge steps have already been taken to ensure that every Punch employee, Publican, MP and in turn, pub guests will receive innovative training and resources in a safe and inclusive space.

Punch’s Strategic Corporate Affairs & ESG Lead, Jon Dale, said: “Doing Well, By Doing Good sits at the core of our business ethos, and every day our Publicans, MPs and their teams ‘do good’ in countless ways.

“We’ve been working alongside Greg and his fantastic team at People’s Captain for two years now and piloting the in-pub Mental Health First Aid qualification is a huge step forward. It was fantastic to see Punch employees, Publicans and MPs engage in an incredibly insightful session and we are excited to see this pioneering idea come to life across our fantastic pubs and their communities.”

You can read Punch’s ESG Strategy at

Pedalling For Pubs Rebrands as Hospitality Rides

At the wrap party of this year’s Pedalling for Pubs campaign, organisers unveiled a complete rebrand for the initiative, with the new name for the charity bike ride announced as ‘Hospitality Rides’. Organisers made the decision to rebrand to Hospitality Rides to meet demand from the sector to broaden the initiative to all of hospitality, and communicate that fundraising positively impacts the whole of the UK on-trade. 

Organisers announced that the initiative’s first cycle challenge as Hospitality Rides will take place in the Spring of 2025, with fundraisers set to take on an epic journey across Taiwan. 

The Hospitality Rides rebrand follows three highly successful charity bike rides under the Pedalling for Pubs name, with riders of this year’s campaign raising an incredible £320k, thanks to fundraisers, donors, supporting partners and sponsors including KAM, Punch Pubs, Greene King, Avani Solutions, Fleet Street, Lucky Saint, Britvic and Play it Green. 

As Hospitality Rides, organisers hope that the charity bike challenge will get even more people from the sector involved and raise even more vital funds to supporting the incredible work that the Licenced Trade Charity and Only a Pavement Away do for the sector. 

Ride founder, Katy Moses of KAM research agency said, “After three successful years under the Pedalling for Pubs name, we felt it was the right time to rebrand the initiative to ensure all of the hospitality sector knows this epic charity bike ride is open to all and that funds raised are used to support the whole sector. 

We’re delighted to launch Hospitality Rides. We hope this will encourage even more people from the sector to get involved and make future years bigger and better than ever!

Thank you to everyone who has made the ride what it is today, seeing the impact that the fundraising is having on the people the Licenced Trade Charity and Only a Pavement Away support really is fantastic. Roll on Hospitality Rides 2025.”

The Hospitality Rides brand was created with the support of design agency Natural Selection.


For more information on the challenge, please contact Fleet Street: [email protected]


About Hospitality Rides

Hospitality Rides, previously called Pedalling for Pubs, is a charity bike ride with hospitality at its heart. Created in recognition and support of disadvantaged people from around the food, drink and hospitality sectors. 

Powered by KAM, Hospitality Rides raises essential funds for ‘The Licensed Trade Charity’ and ‘Only A Pavement Away’ – two charities who are integral to the industry and work tirelessly to ensure that no matter what your job role, level or background is, there is a friendly face at the end of a phone or an email ready to support you with what you need to get back on your feet.


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