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BII Responds to Leaked Smoking Ban Proposal 

The BII has this morning responded to the leaked proposal for a ban on smoking in outside areas, including pub gardens.

Steve Alton, BII CEO commented:

“Since the smoking ban in 2007, our members have made significant adaptations to their venues, to accommodate all of their customers. These changes included huge investments in outdoor spaces and diversifying their offer to be able to welcome everyone to their pubs. The significant effects from the pandemic in 2020 are still being seen today including  heavy increases in food, drink, labour and energy, but pubs have time and time again adapted in order to thrive.

“Any further disruption to their businesses would be incredibly damaging, particularly for our small, drinks led, community pubs, who provide essential connection in villages, towns and high streets across the UK. They have already weathered so much and with only 1 in 4 making a clear profit currently, the impact of increased regulation and restrictions on their ability to survive and thrive could be devastating.

“Our pubs need support, investment and a fair and level playing field to be able to remain at the heart of their communities. Without them, their essential role across the UK is at risk.”

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