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Moon and Sixpence - Clevedon
The Moon and Sixpence is one of the most popular pubs in Clevedon. Situated in a prime seafront position looking out over the Bristol Channel and facing Clevedon's famous Victorian Pier, spectacular sunsets can be witnessed from the pub balcony offering some of the best views in Clevedon or from our outside eating and drinking areas.

A welcoming, popular bar, restaurant and hotel offering a range of accommodation and entertainment as well as great pub food, The Moon & Sixpence has implemented a number of sustainable initiatives to drive the pub towards a more sustainable future.

Tony Antoni heads up operations at the pub and it is he who has helped to introduce a greener feel to operations across a number of different areas at the venue.

Timers and/or sensors have been placed on both lighting and equipment to ensure that they are only on when necessary. Food waste is also now composted and sent away to SUEZ, a waste management company.

Furthermore, carbon footprint and sustainable procurement are both incredibly important to Tony and there are few that could say that they generate less miles than him at The Moon & Sixpence, with all of their foods delivered from local farms and butchers located within 12 miles of the venue.

The pub’s sustainability agenda is constantly reviewed in team meetings, with Tony insisting that he has full buy in from all his staff. All but one of the team currently walk to work, with this actively encouraged across the business.

Sustainable changes have meant cost saving on utilities for Tony and the team, along with an increased community feel. We are delighted to add them to our ever-growing list of sustainability champion and hope that the local and wider community follow their efforts closely.

You can view The Moon & Sixpence website here.

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