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The Millpool - Coventry
The Millpool, located in Coventry, is a traditional local with hand-pulled ales, a British pub menu, regular meal deals and beer garden.

Licensee, John Carey, has been key to the move towards a sustainable future for the pub, ensuring that greener initiatives are always at the forefront of his thinking when making the decisions regarding this local favourite.
Some key changes made by John and the wider team include using energy saving bulbs, an insulated roof and promoting recycling by ensuring that the relevant bins are in place.

Lowering the carbon footprint of the pub has also been imperative for John. One of the ways he has done this is by promoting veganism through his menu options. The Millpool is now known for having some of the best vegan choices and options in the local area.

Food waste is another area that is managed closely by John and the team. Menu design is reviewed regularly, and food ordered in from local suppliers always has to be of the correct quantity.

Having his team on board has been key for John and The Millpool’s success, with regular catch ups put in place with all staff. Team meetings are very transparent and the impact of energy reduction measures on both the bottom-line profit and loss, and the environment, is always clearly stated.

When quizzed on how important it is to lead on a sustainable future in the local community, John does not downplay how much environmentally friendly operations mean to him:

“On a broader level it is absolute vital. With climate change affecting the whole world we all have to do our part. It’s the only way we can tackle or reduce it.

“On a local level, whilst it helps the business financially, it is about genuinely caring about the environment and the people who you serve locally. It is so important to keep learning ourselves and educating those around us. It’s all about education to create a greener and safer environment we live in. It all starts locally and hopefully that will have a ripple effect and spread the good work and influence.”

We are delighted to recognise this country favourite and award them with BII Sustainability Champion status.

You can view The Millpool website here.

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